Other Useful Business Software
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging Icon
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

For companies that need a reliable messaging API provider

Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
Contract Automation Made Easy Icon
Contract Automation Made Easy

Use Docubee to easily gather data, generate contracts, share them your way, and collect secure eSignatures

Docubee is an intelligent contract automation platform that allows you to quickly and painlessly generate, manage, share, and sign contracts. Featuring powerful conditional logic-based workflows, generative AI technology, and an easily adaptable interface, Docubee makes it easy to automate your most complex contracts and agreements.
Fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server Icon
Fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server

Focus on your application, and leave the database to us

Cloud SQL manages your databases so you don't have to, so your business can run without disruption. It automates all your backups, replication, patches, encryption, and storage capacity increases to give your applications the reliability, scalability, and security they need.
Desktop and Mobile Device Management Software Icon
Desktop and Mobile Device Management Software

It's a modern take on desktop management that can be scaled as per organizational needs.

Desktop Central is a unified endpoint management (UEM) solution that helps in managing servers, laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets from a central location.
Need To Secure Your Public Cloud? Icon
Need To Secure Your Public Cloud?

Built for Developers, DevOps and Engineering Teams

View all cloud assets of AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Kubernetes, Digital Ocean in one place. Automates security misconfigurations of assets with guidance to resolve them. Covers far beyond basic checklists. It automatically evaluates the security misconfigs of the assets & provides step-by-step guidance to resolve them

Additional Details for Apache OpenOffice Templates

Operating Systems

Linux, Mac, Windows

Intended Audience

End Users/Desktop

User Interface




Last Updated


Text Editors, Word Processors


aooadmin, brondsem, ipv6guru, marcus-aoo

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