This template shows both the approach to generating schedules/matches for odd and even numbers of teams, as well as gives the ability to generate these schedules for up to 16 teams.
2010/06 - Version 2. Fixed error in even number of teams tab. Added ability to see summary of opponents by round for any given team.
2012/07. Minor updates to documentation
Автор |
ian_T |
Application |
Calc |
Категория |
Business: Miscellaneous |
License |
Теги |
schedule, template, matches, teams, round, robin |
Оценка |
(6 голосов)
Creating round robin game schedules | |
Статистика |
Week: 0 - Месяц: 0 - Год: 0 - Timeline |
Template for calculating round robin game schedules for odd or even numbers of teams